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Faith, Truth and Deliverance  Church of God by Faith, Inc. Faith, Truth and Deliverance Church of God by Faith, Inc.

About Faith, Truth and Deliverance  Church of God by Faith, Inc. About Faith, Truth and Deliverance Church of God by Faith, Inc.

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Our Staff

Pastor Cleveland E. Roberts, III
    Senior Pastor/Teacher

Elect Lady D. Regina Roberts
    Pastor's Wife/ Supervisor of Women

Dr. Cleve Roberts, Jr.
    Special Advisor to the Pastor/Director of Christian Education

Minister Christopher Jarrett
    Pastors' Assistant/Executive Director of Ministries

Minister Cheryl Pinckney
    Associate Minister/Executive Administrator

Minister Kerry Johnson, Jr.
    Minister of Music/ Associate Minister

Minister Nicole Boone
    Minister/Outreach Food Coordinator

Deacon Wayne Davis
    Chairman of Deacon's Board/Chairman of Finances

Deacon Emeritus James Reece
    Ordained Deacon

Deacon Gregory Peak
    Ordained Deacon/Usher's Board member

Mother Harolean Roberts
    Honorary Mother

Missionary Tracy Jarrett
    Praise Team Leader/Children’s Church Leader

Honorary Mother Nellie Charles
    Usher Board Coordinator Emeritus

Missionary Cynthia McCray
    Global Missions President

Mother Lillie Barr
    Mother’s Board Chair/Greeter

Eld. Jimmy and Lady Mayetta McDuffie
    Superintendent and Leading Lady. Miami District

Sister Cleandra Roberts
    2nd Century President

Missionary Shirley Peak
    Global Missions Vice-President

Sis. Santriness Norman
    Vice President 2nd Century

Sis. Sheila Garland
    Medical Team Member

Elder Harrison Pinckney, III
    Church Elder

LogoFaith, Truth and Deliverance Church of God by Faith, Inc.
16969 NW 23rd Ave Map
FL 33056
Phone: 305 623 3186

All services are presently being held in person as well as online. Access the online services via our Link Tree at the times listed below.

Church Service Schedule

Sunday 11:00 am  IN PERSON/(Facebook/YouTube Live)

Monday 7:00 pm (FTD Zoom Meeting Room)



Wednesday 7:00 pm  -   IN PERSON!!!   (Facebook/YouTube Live)

2201 NW 153rd St

Miami Gardens, FL  33054




FTD Church Confession

We Can and We Will

"I am, who God says that I am"

"I can do what God's Word says I can do"

"I have the ability, power and authority that God's Word says that I have"

"I am created in the image and likeness of God"

"I have dominion over my life"

"I am His workmanship crafted for His Purpose"

"I am a new creature in Christ"

"I will fulfill God's Plan and Purpose for my Life"

I Can and I Will!




Cash App - $ftdcogbf

Givelify - Church of God by Faith, Pastor Cleveland Roberts, 16969 NW 23rd Ave Miami Gardens, FL  33056




Greetings to our Guests. Thank you for visiting our Website. If you would like to join us for our Corporate Prayer Service

(Hour of Power) or our Bible Study (Warriors in the Word) please join us online.  Please use our Linktree.


To Call our Prayer Line every Tuesday Morning at 6:00 am

Call in Number : (605) 475-4120

Access Code : 5058819


For more information please call 305 623-3186


Church History



During the 2014 December Centennial Celebration in Atlanta, GA. the combining of the Church at Miami Gardens and Faith, Truth and Deliverance was announced by Bishop James McKnight, Jr. with Elder Cleveland E. Roberts, III as the Pastor. The first official service was January 4, 2015.

Elder Cleveland E. Roberts III has been in Ministry for over 30 years and a Pastor for over 28 years. He is a native of Miami, FL., a product of the Miami-Dade Public Schools and a graduate of Bethune-Cookman University. Pastor Roberts accepted the Lord in 1988 and began to Pastor in 1993. As a visionary with a heart for this community, Pastor Cleveland E. Roberts III and Lady Regina Roberts remain diligent to their God-given mandate to lead this congregation in “Winning the World, With the Word.


Established: 1914 in Jacksonville, FL.


  • Moderator John Bright
  • Bishop Aaron Matthews
  • National Evangelist Nathaniel Scippio
  • Executive Secretary Hubert Steadman

Official Charter of Incorporation: 1923


  1. Bishop Aaron Matthews
  2. Bishop Willie W. Matthews
  3. Bishop James E. McKnight, Sr.
  4. Presiding Bishop James E. McKnight, Jr.

Council of Ruling Elders:

  • Ruling Elder Horace N. Turner, Sr.
  • Ruling Elder James Ware
  • Ruling Elder James Williams III
  • Ruling Elder Reginald Damon 


188 churches and missions from Miami, Florida to Buffalo, New York and from San Antonio, Texas to Tacoma, Washington International church Talcahuano, Chile

National Headquarters:

2409 Old Middleburg Road N

Jacksonville, FL. 32210