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Faith, Truth and Deliverance  Church of God by Faith, Inc. Faith, Truth and Deliverance Church of God by Faith, Inc.

Photo Gallery: COGBF 97th National Assembly Atlanta, GA Photo Gallery: COGBF 97th National Assembly Atlanta, GA

COGBF 97th National Assembly Atlanta, GA

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The Pastors and Ministers Wives Choir
Viewed 920 times
Lady Regina Roberts singing with the Pastors ‘ Wives Choir
Viewed 960 times
Ricardo Sanchez Ministers to the By-Faith Family
Viewed 971 times
Elder Ricky Dunmore leaving his Consecration Service
Viewed 977 times
Lady Roberts and Ricardo Sanchez
Viewed 1049 times
Pastor Roberts and Ricardo Sanchez
Viewed 980 times
Brother Lawrence Davis sings with the Convention Choir
Viewed 879 times